15 accused arrested : In Special Police


Amaritsar/Daljeet Ajnoha/July 7
Under the supervision of Sh. Rakesh Kaushal, IPS, DIG/Border Range/ Amritsar, the Border Range Police is committed to eradicate the drug menace from the society and has launched a campaign to arrest the every drug smuggler/peddler/supplier involved in the drug trade. In this connection, with the direction of DIG/Border Range/Amritsar, a Special Operation was launched today i.e. 07.07.2024 in the 04 districts of Border Range i.e. Amritsar-Rural, Batala, Gurdaspur and Pathankot under the personal supervision of the SSPs. Search and raids have been conducted in the hotspots/areas/villages where repeated complaints/information of drug smuggling/supplying are being received.

Around 494 Police Officials including SHOs participated in the Special Operation and 15 accused have been arrested:


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