7-Day NSS Camp inagurated under

Hoshiarpur/Daljeet Ajnoha/Feb7 :  The NSS Unit of Rayat College of Law successfully inaugurated its 7-day NSS Camp with a vibrant opening ceremony aims to promote community engagement and environmental awareness among volunteers.
The event was graced by Dr. Parveen Goyal, Programme Coordinator NSS (Panjab University, Chandigarh), as the Chief Guest, and Dr. Sonia Sharma, Master Trainer (My Bharat Portal), as the Guest of Honour. Dr. Monika Sharma, Principal of Rayat College of Law, extended a warm welcome to the guests and appreciated the dedicated efforts of the NSS volunteers in organizing the camp.
The inauguration began with a welcome address by an NSS volunteer, followed by Dr. Sohnu, NSS Programme Officer, who welcomed the dignitaries and briefed the attendees about the 7-day schedule of activities.
Delivering an inspiring address, Dr. Parveen Goyal highlighted the motto, vision, and objectives of NSS, emphasizing the significance of youth involvement in social service. Dr. Sonia Sharma, in her speech, elaborated on the importance of the My Bharat Portal and how students can leverage it for national-level opportunities.
The event concluded with a Vote of Thanks delivered by Dr. Mahender Singh, Vice Principal, acknowledging the contributions of all participants and faculty members.
Environmental Education Programme Activities
Following the inauguration, several activities were conducted under the Environmental Education Programme supported by the Punjab State Council for Science & Technology (State Nodal Agency) and the Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change, Government of India.
Poster Making Competition on the theme “Save Environment” witnessed participation from 20 students.
1st Prize: Harmanpreet Singh (1st Year)
2nd Prize: Gurjot (3rd Year)
3rd Prize: Gurveer (1st Year)
Rangoli Making Competition with the theme “Save Environment” saw 12 students displaying their creativity.
1st Prize: Inderpreet & Karina (4th Year)
2nd Prize: Pooja & Yeshasvi Aggarwal (2nd Year)
Tree Plantation Drive was carried out by the guest dignitaries, NSS volunteers, and faculty members, led by Vice Principal Dr. Sohnu.
Rally on “Save Environment and Plastic-Free Earth”—All volunteers and faculty members actively participated in spreading awareness.
Life Pledge Ceremony—NSS volunteers and faculty members took a solemn pledge to protect and conserve the environment.
Quiz Competition on Environmental Awareness with 50 participants
1st Prize: Sukhamripal (2nd Year)
2nd Prize: RUDRA (2nd Year)
3RD Prize: Ankush ( 1ST YEAR )
Special Recognition and Appreciation
On this occasion, NSS volunteers were provided with caps and stationery kits as a token of encouragement. Dr. Monika Sharma, Principal, lauded the initiative, emphasizing the crucial role of youth in environmental conservation.
The event witnessed the esteemed presence of Vice Principal Dr. Mahinder Singh, Dr. Akashdeep Singh, Dr. Manish Kumar, and other faculty members, who actively participated in the day’s proceedings.
The 7-day NSS Camp, under the leadership of Dr. Sohnu, Programme Officer, NSS, will continue with a series of community-driven and educational activities, reinforcing the commitment of NSS towards nation-building and environmental sustainability.

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