The Hon’ble Supreme Court

 This special Lok Adalat will be organized in the Hon’ble Supreme Court from 29th July to 3rd August
Hoshiarpur / 9 July / Daljeet Ajnoha :   The Hon’ble Supreme Court is organizing a Special Lok Adalat on 29th July, regarding which Chief Judicial Magistrate-cum-Secretary District Legal Services Authority, Hoshiarpur Raj Pal Rawal, during a special conversation with senior journalist Daljeet Ajnoha, said that pre-Lok Adalat reconciliation meetings are being organized by him, in which the parties related to the pending cases in the Supreme Court are being called and they are encouraged to file cases in the special Lok Adalat, so that the pending cases can be settled as soon as possible. On this occasion, people are also being told in detail about the benefits of filing a case in the special Lok Adalat that filing a case in this court will save their time and money.
He informed that labour related cases, cheque related cases (138 NI Act), accident claim cases (motor accident claim), family law cases, service cases, rent educational cases, maintenance cases, mortgage, consumer protection related cases, transfer petition (civil and criminal), recovery cases, land dispute related cases and other civil cases can be filed in the special Lok Adalat.
It is also worth mentioning here that this is the first time that a special Lok Adalat is being organized by the Supreme Court, due to which people are showing great enthusiasm to file cases in it.
Apart from this, he also gave information regarding the National Lok Adalats organized from time to time, which are organized four times in a year and the next Lok Adalat is being organized on 14 September 2024. To make this Lok Adalat successful, he is also holding meetings with the heads of various departments from time to time, so that the general public can be made aware to file more and more cases in this Lok Adalat, and people can take maximum benefit of these Lok Adalats.

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