Marriages of daughters of 11 needy


Before this, the saints are also doing the service of making the Sri Anandpur Sahib road : Daljit Singh Bains

Hoshiarpur/Daljeet Ajnoha/March 3 : Under the patronage of Jathedar Singh Sahib of Takht Sri Kesgarh Sahib, the main servants of the Kar Seva of Qila Anandgarh Sahib, Sant Baba Seva Singh Ji, Sant Baba Suchha Singh Ji and Sant Baba Satnam Singh Ji are organizing a collective Anand Karaj of the daughters of 11 needy families in the Diwan Hall of Qila Anandgarh Sahib on Wednesday, 26th March. Giving information in this regard, Daljit Singh Bains said that the Sangat should contribute as much as possible in this great work and get the happiness of the Guru’s house. Apart from this, the construction work of Sri Anandpur Sahib, Garhshankar road is going on on behalf of Sant Baba Seva Singh Ji and Sant Baba Suchha Singh Jiand Sant Satnma singh which is with the cooperation of the group of Sangats, this road is 50 percent complete. Which will play an important role in saving the devotees from toll tax as well as providing relief from painful accidents. The road work is moving towards completion soon. Daljit Singh Bains further said that this work is being done due to the immense enthusiasm and love of the devotees. Therefore, the Sangat should always support the saints and mahapurush with love and keep contributing to their good works. On this occasion, a large number of people including Sant Baba Satnam Singh, Baba Sahib Singh, Baba Hira Singh Pannu, Bhai Simran Singh varech Manjinder Singh Atwal, Charan Singh Amritsar, Inderjit Singh Bomb, Harpal Singh Pal, Dr. Gurmel Singh, Mahinder Singh, Nirmal Singh, Jagraj Singh were present.


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