All countrymen come forward and


Amritsar / Daljeet Ajnoha/August 14
Today a special meeting of Gausevaks took place with the ardent Gausevak DIG Crime Shri Rakesh Kumar Kaushal IPS under the chairmanship of Gausevak Pandit Avan Kumar Parashar, National President of Sanatan Dharam Suraksha Parishad. In which the Advocate Gausevaks of the legal cell of the organization were given their appointment letters under the guidance of the National Patron of the organization Hari Dev Sharma . On this occasion while DIG Rakesh Kumar Kaushal Ji appreciated the efforts being made by the organization for the service of Gau Mata – Nandi Maharaj Ji, he also called upon all the countrymen to come forward and fulfill their responsibility with full strength, dedication, devotion for the service of Gau Mata – Nandi Maharaj and while serving Gau Mata – Nandi Maharaj, attain the proximity of Lord Shri Krishna Ji – Lord Bholenath Ji with utmost simplicity and ease. National President Gausevak Pandit Avan Kumar Parashar said that there are 33 crore i.e. 33 types of Gods and Goddesses present in our cow mother. Lord Shri Krishna, after taking human birth, served mother cow – Nandi Maharaj barefoot for years and Nandi Maharaj is the vehicle of Lord Bhole Nath. Whichever cow devotee serves mother cow – Nandi Maharaj with full devotion, helps the people who are serving and has reverence for mother cow Nandi Maharaj, by the boundless grace of mother cow Nandi Maharaj, they get innumerable desired fruits and prosperity. On this occasion, former Vice Chancellor and National Patron of Sanatan Dharam Suraksha Parishad, Dr. Vinay Kapoor Mehra, Hari Dev Sharma, National Patron, Advocate Shikha Kharbanda, District President, Advocate Department, Advocate Sanjay Bhargav, District General Secretary, Advocate Department, Advocate Mahinder Kumar, Secretary, Dr. Gayatri Shur, District President, Medical Department, Advocate Ganesh Sharma, Advocate Palak Sharma, Advocate Nitin Sharma, Dr. Seema Sharma, Meera Sharma, Vishwa Bharti, Vishal Sharma, Satish Sharma, Dinesh Sharma and a large number of officials and workers of the organization were present. All of them wished for the well-being of the countrymen with the chanting of Nandi Maharaj Ji of Gau Mata and took a pledge that under the chairmanship of their National President Gausevak Pandit Avan Kumar Parashar Ji, they will serve Gau Mata – Nandi Maharaj Ji with full dedication, devotion and full cooperation of body, mind and money.

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