An artist meet was organized


Hoshiarpur/Daljeet Ajnoha/Dec.20 :  Today here in order to create awareness among the public against the curse of dowry and to spread the principle of “Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao” from house to house, on the occasion of the completion of the shooting of the web film “Gold Medal Da Dahej” being made under the direction of Ashok Puri on the story “Gold Medal Da Dahej” of Avinash Rai Khanna an artist meet was organized at Hotel Maharaja . Avinash Rai Khanna along wtih Industrialist Mukesh Kumar, Retired DTO Avtar Singh, Mrs. Meenakshi Khanna, Rayat Bahra Campus Director Dr. Chander Mohan, Director Ashok Puri and Dr. M. Jamil Bali were specially present on the occasion.
The commercial artists Vineet Atwal (Kapoor Sahib), Director Ashok Puri (Politician Khanna Sahib), Renuka Rajput (Kamlesh Devi), Pawan Singh (School Coach), Gurmail Dhariwal (Welfare Officer), Vicky Walia (Campus Coach), Nancy Arora (Roshni), Aarti Singh (Mahesh’s daughter-in-law), Ajay Sahdev (Journalist Vikramjeet) along with theatre artists Kamaljit Kaur, Amrit Lal, Jyoti Thakur, Ashish Puri, Shivani Saini, Ramesh Kumar (Inspector) and dignitaries of the society Dr. M. Jamil Bali, Hardeep Mahingowal (National Coach), Dr. Chandra Mohan (Campus Director Ryat Bahra) and Pandit Ashok Shastri along with child artists Harshveer Rana and Yudhvir Singh made their presence felt after doing justice to their respective characters. After the artists shared their experiences, story writer Avinash Rai Khanna shared the process of creating this story and his experiences of the society on this occasion,. He congratulated the cast of story Nancy Arora the blind girl Roshini, Renuka Rajpur, mother-in-law, Inspector Ramesh Kumar, Pandit Ashok Shastri and Director Ashok Puri for their efforts . He said that this film, made in collaboration with Mukesh Kumar ji, has given everyone an opportunity to come together. On this occasion, Dr. M. Zameel Bali said that director Ashok Puri has made all efforts to realize this dream of Avinash Rai Khanna and bring it before the society. After this, all the artists were felicitated by Mrs. Meenakshi Khanna, Dr. Raman Ghai and the Organising Committee.
On this occasion, director Ashok Puri said that the film “Gold Medal Da Dahej” had a simple beginning, but the beautiful locations of Railway Mandi School, Ryat Bahra, Lajwanti Stadium, Minister’s House, Aerobics Center and connecting with the hearts of the team of artists made it to be a great effort . The theme song “Fikar Kareen Naan Bapu” written by Anju V. Ratti the poetess of this film and sung by Kumar Vinod, Satish Silli Uppal is also a golden performance. The film’s cameraman Shankar Deva and make-up artist Sachin, G.S. Channi and Editing Naresh S. Garg have done a wonderful job. The post-production will be done in Maya Nagri Mumbai. On this occasion, director Ashok Puri also said that along with Punjabi the film will also be dubbed in Hindi, Kannada and Bengali languages.


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