BIS conducts workshop & training program


Hoshiarpur/Jan. 15/Daljeet Ajnoha  : The Bureau of Indian Standards today held a workshop & training program here at District Administrative Complex on the BIS activities, Indian Standards and online services, in which more than 50 officials of different departments participated.

          The workshop carried out under the guidance of Deputy Commissioner Komal Mittal highlighted various objectives of the BIS activities. BIO’s Chandigarh Branch Office’s Joint Director Abhishek Kumar and Deputy Director Kushagra Jindal after welcoming all the heads of different departmetns also welcomed besides explaiining the workshop objectives. Kushagra Jindal emphasized the District Officers and agencies engaged in procurement of goods & services for purchasing BIS Certified Products and refer Indian Standards in their bid documents. He pointed out that the use of products Conforming to Indian Standards in Govt. programmes & Schemes that will ensure development of quality Infrastructure, reduce overall cost and help in developing quality Eco-System in the State.
          Jindal further explained BIS activities, roles and functions and apprised the participants about the Quality control orders (QCOs) issued by GoI for mandatory BIS certification. As per these QCOs no one can manufacture, import, sell, store or exhibit Products covered under these Orders without a license from BIS. Abhishek Kumar apprised the participants about online services that are provided through BIS website, e-BIS portal from where they can access relevant information about Standards, certification Schemes and other services offered by BIS. He also informed them about BIS Care App that enables the consumers to check the genuineness of BIS Certified products and they can also lodge complaint in case they are not satisfied. The participants were made aware about the Important Standards related to PWD, PHED, Irrigation, Health Sector, Industry, Agriculture, Women & Child Development, Electrical Items, Office equipment’s, food items.

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