Cabinet Minister Jimpa heard more


Hoshiarpur/Daljeet Ajnoha/ August 11
Cabinet Minister Punjab Bram Shankar Jimpa today organized a Janta Darbar in his office, which was attended by a large number of people. Cabinet Minister Jimpa heard various problems of the public during this period and directed the concerned officials to take immediate action to resolve their complaints. He established direct communication with the public in his office and tried to resolve their problems immediately. During this period, he resolved about 400 complaints. Most of the complaints received were related to local development works, water and electricity supply, road improvement, sanitation, health services, revenue and other civic issues.

In the Janta Darbar, Bram Shankar Jimpa assured the people that his government is fully sensitive towards the problems of the public and is committed to resolve all the complaints soon. He said that the Punjab Government led by Chief Minister Bhagwant Singh Mann is constantly making efforts to resolve the issues of public interest on priority.

Bram Shankar Jimpa directed the officers to take the problems of the public seriously and any kind of delay or negligence in their solution will not be tolerated. He said that the priority of the government is the welfare of the public and the problem of any citizen will not be ignored.

He said that Janta Darbar is a medium through which they can directly stay connected with the public and can listen to their problems and solve them immediately. He said that such events will be organized regularly in future also so that the distance between the government and the public is reduced and people do not have to wander here and there to solve their problems.

The Cabinet Minister directed the officers of all the concerned departments to ensure quick and effective solution of public complaints and follow up each complaint personally. He said that solving the problems of the public is the top priority of the government and no deficiency will be allowed in this direction. Mayor Surinder Kumar, DSP Amarnath, Varinder Sharma Bindu, Satwant Singh Sian were also present with him on this occasion.


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