Correct Vastu promotes social, mental,

Hoshiarpur/Daljeet Ajnoha/10 Dec. :  Vastushastri give special importance to the size, height and slope of the plot and the building. This importance has been well described in our ancient literature and scriptures. Indecent shapes have been considered reprehensible and forbidden for building construction.
International architect and author Dr. Bhupinder Vastushastri believes that if the general rules of Vastu are followed in the house in which we are living, then every person living there will live a royal life. The first rule among these general rules is that if the shape of the building is rectangular or round, then it comes in the category of extreme auspiciousness. Even in a rectangular plot, if the building is wide and built according to unit Vastu, then that building will be no less than a palace. Every person living there will also achieve success along with immense wealth. If the wide building is commercial, then there are immense possibilities of the arrival of Lakshmi there. A building with more width and less length is called a flat building.
 if the length is more and the width is less, then the building is called uneven. If some rooms in a building are flat and some are uneven, then the person living in the uneven will fail and the person living in the flat will succeed. The British followed the Vastu principle of flat and uneven and ruled India by becoming successful businessmen. Its proof can be seen in the buildings built by the British. In the initial period, the buildings built by them are flat and special attention is also paid to the height and slope. At present, the basic rule of Vastu, flat, has been used very well in the White House, the palace of the world’s most powerful head of state. If a building is uneven and also pierces the Sun or the Moon, then the people living in that building will have to face failure again and again. If the shape is triangular, pentagonal, hexagonal or disjointed or any angle is increasing or decreasing, then also buildings with protruding belly and extended arms give inauspicious results. In Vastu, the increase in the north-east corner is considered auspicious. If the North-East corner is cut in any shape then the owner of the house will always face problems related to money, education, children, illness etc.

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