Daljit Ajnoha Honored for Receiving


Hoshiarpur /Daljeet Ajnoha/March 2 :  A grand religious event was organized at the ancient Shiva temple in Panjuaana on the auspicious occasion of Mahashivratri. During the event, the temple committee honored renowned journalist and social worker Dr. Daljit Ajnoha for earning a Doctorate in Journalism and for his outstanding contributions to the field.

The felicitation ceremony was graced by several distinguished personalities, including Sarpanch Raghveer Singh, Numberdar Ramdas Ji, Numberdar Gurbaksh Singh, Numberdar Balwinder Singh, Chief Sewadar Bakhshish Singh Kala, Sewadar Aman Sharma, and Station House Officer (SHO) Davinder Singh.

On this sacred occasion, thousands of devotees gathered to worship Lord Shiva with devotion and enthusiasm. The temple committee also organized a grand community feast (Bhandara), where devotees partook in the holy offerings with deep faith and reverence.

Temple officials stated that this annual event on Mahashivratri brings the community together in devotion and celebration. Expressing his gratitude, Dr. Daljit Ajnoha said he was deeply honored to receive this recognition and reaffirmed his commitment to journalism and social service.


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