Deputy Speaker Jai Krishan Singh

Hoshiarpur/November 09/  Daljeet Ajnoha :  The Deputy Speaker of the Punjab Legislative Assembly, Jai Krishan Singh Rouri, was warmly welcomed by the Punjabi community on his arrival at Sydney Airport, New South Wales, Australia. He is in Australia to participate in the 67th Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Annual Conference, which took place from November 3 to November 8, 2024.
Speaking on the occasion, Deputy Speaker Rouri expressed pride in the achievements of Punjabis worldwide, noting that their hard work and success in various fields bring honor to Punjab both at home and abroad. He acknowledged the substantial contributions of NRIs toward the progress and prosperity of Punjab, emphasizing that Punjabis living abroad remain deeply committed to the development and well-being of their homeland. He also thanked the Punjabi diaspora for their unwavering support and continuous efforts to uplift their community and enhance Punjab’s global image.

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