Development works done on war

Former Chief Minister Channi today addressed a huge crowd of people at Maroli Brahmana, Sahari, Fuglana and Jejon.
Hoshiarpur/Daljit Ajnoha/November 14 :  Former Chief Minister and Jalandhar MP Charanjit Singh Channi today addressed a huge crowd of people at Mandoli Brahmana, Sahari, Fuglana and Jejon villages in support of Congress candidate Advocate Ranjit Kumar from Chabbewal Assembly constituency and spoke about the development works done in the state during his tenure as Chief Minister and the facilities provided to people from all sections of the society.
During this, he said about the current AAP candidate Dr. Ishank’s father MP Dr. Raj Kumar Chabbewal that during his tenure as Chief Minister, he had given lakhs of rupees as fund to Dr. Raj Kumar Chabbewal for the development of the area and other works and on the basis of those works, Chabbewal won and later joined AAP and won the Parliament election, although after joining AAP he did not do any work. In his address, he appealed to the people that according to the elders, a standing broom is considered inauspicious, earlier people used to pick up the broom after voting for AAP, but ever since the broom government has come to power in Punjab, an atmosphere of hooliganism has been created in Punjab, law and order has collapsed, so this time vote in favor of the Congress candidate and put the broom down so that the atmosphere of Punjab can become peaceful, prosperous and happy. On this occasion, former Cabinet Minister Sundar Sham Arora, former Cabinet Minister Rana Gurjeet, former MLA Madan Lal, Pappu Ajram, Vishwanath Bunty, Simar Dasuha, Karan Bajwa and other senior Congress leaders were present with him.

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