Dr. Parvinder Singh joined as


Hoshiarpur/Daljeet Ajnoha/March 4 : Prof. Dr Parvinder Singh joined as Vice Chancellor at Lamrin Tech Skills University Punjab.

He is Ph D in chemistry from Punjab University Chandigarh and has about more than 39 years of experience in academics and administration.On joining LTSU Punjab
He was welcomed by Dr Sandeep Singh Kaura Chancellor LTSU Punjab and senior functionaries of university.
He has many awards and recognition like N.E. Asia Fellowship,U.T. Merit Scholarship,
Chandigarh Rattan & Sahitya Council honors
Global Excellence Teacher Award (GETA 2020) and Govt of Punjab, Excellence Award on independence day 2024.
In his Academic contributions he has published more than 50 research papers in national & international journals, authored chemistry books for Indian universities presented papers at institutions in the USA, Italy, Canada, and Australia
Dr Parvinder Singh has taken key Initiatives in
examination & academic reforms, including online exam systems, CBCS, and semester implementation academic audits and syllabus reframing to enhance education quality and MoUs for student international internships & faculty exchanges. hosted leadership, education reform, and technology webinars

He has organized and represented numerous national/international webinars, FDPs, and symposiums on education, technology, and research excellence chaired panels and discussions with eminent scholars, policymakers, and international speakers Dr Singh said he is feeling honored and extremely thankful to Dr. Sandeep Singh Kaura Chancellor LTSU and Madam for giving me this opportunity to work with all of you to navigate university to higher levels of achievement.
Academicians, administrators, researchers, govt officials, intelligencia fraternity, judicial, civil officials, all India VC,’s forum, President CIPU, conveyed their wishes to newly appointed Vice Chancellor.


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