Former Chief Minister Channi starat

Hoshiarpur/Daljeet Ajnoha/Nov.11 : Punjab’s star campaigner, former Chief Minister and  MP Charanjit Singh Channi is coming to Chabbewal from tomorrow to campaign in favor of Congress party candidate Ranjit Kumar Kitty in the Chabbewal by-election, which has caused great enthusiasm among Congress workers. According to the information received, Congress leaders Rajinder Singh Parmar, Harish Anand and Gurdeep Katoch jointly said that former Chief Minister Charanjit Singh Channi will address more than a dozen meetings and rallies during his 2-day program.
At the same time, there was a huge demand from the people of Chabbewal area that rallies and meetings of former Chief Minister Channi should be organized.
Parmar, Anand and Katoch said that Channi’s whirlwind tour has demoralized the opponents. Congress leaders rejected this claim and said that due to the arrival of Charanjit Channi, Congress candidate Ranjit kumar kitty will lose more than 10 thousand votes. Ranjit Kumar’s dominance will increase in Chabbewal constituency, so Sardar Channi’s visit is going to guarantee Ranjit Kumar’s victory. Congress leaders said that under the leadership of former cabinet minister Sundar Sham Arora and MP Rana Gurjit Singh and hardworking workers of Congress, Congress is going to create a new history by winning the Chabbewal seat. On yhis Occasion Balwinder Bhatti former Sarpanch, Lakhbir Singh, Puneet Sharma, Sandeep Kumar, Sukhdev Singh Rasoolpuri, Harbans Singh Talwan, Vipan Kumar and Dudhnath were present in the election.

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