Former Chief Minister Channi’s

Hoshiarpur / Daljeet Ajnoha/Nov.15 : Congressmen are looking completely excited about the Chabbewal by-election and the visits of former Chief Minister Charanjit Singh Channi have filled them and the people of Chabbewal with new enthusiasm and they have made up their mind to make the Congress candidate victorious. After holding meetings in different villages, Charanjit Singh Channi said that the Congress has never compromised to protect the rights of Punjab and Punjabis and neither will it ever do so in the future. He said that the condition of the Aam Aadmi Party is in front of everyone and this party involved in corruption has gone out of the hearts of the people and Punjabis have come forward to save their Punjab and the defeat of AAP in these by-elections will be proof of this. During this, he told the people that it is necessary to send away those who do politics of opportunism, only then the development of the constituency is possible. On this occasion, former minister Sunder Shan Arora and other leaders also motivated the people of Chabbewal to vote in favour of Congress candidate Advocate Ranjeet Kumar Kitty.

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