LTSU student Sahil Dalal selected

 Hoshiarpur । Daljeet Ajnoha : Oct 21 – Sahil Dalal, a student of Lemarin Tech Skills University, Punjab, has secured his spot for the World Championship by performing brilliantly in the Under-23 Freestyle Wrestling Trials held in Delhi. The competition was held at Khelkud Academy, Narela, Delhi. , in which he has secured his place by boasting his sporting ability, after which Sahil Dalal has been selected for the World Championship.
Assistant Director of Sports College of the University, Ram Meher, said that Sahil is representing India in Under-23 freestyle wrestling in the championship being held in Tirana, the capital of South European country, Albania, from October 21 to October 27, which is very important for the university. It is a matter of pride. The Chancellor of the University, Dr. Sandeep Singh Kaura, expressed happiness and said that it is a matter of great pride for
 the University. Best wishes to Sahil Dalal for success at the global level

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