Municipal Corporation became strict against

 Municipal Corporation challaned 5 people last week for throwing garbage in the open and not doing garbage segregation
Hoshiarpur/ Daljeet Ajnoha/july 20 : Commissioner of Municipal Corporation Hoshiarpur Dr. Amandeep Kaur said that following the orders issued by the Honorable NGT Delhi, Municipal Corporation Hoshiarpur has started strict action against people not doing source segregation in the city. She said that challans are being issued to houses and shops for not separating the garbage of their house (wet and dry). She said that for this, the Municipal Corporation has given the authority to issue challans to the sanitary inspectors, sanitary supervisors and temporary supervisors working in the field. Therefore, if a person does not separate the garbage of his house and give it to his cleaner or throws garbage in the open, then action will be taken against him as per the instructions of NGT Delhi and he will be fined. In this connection, a total of 5 challans were issued by Municipal Corporation Hoshiarpur last week at different places and garbage segregation was done on the spot.
Commissioner Municipal Corporation said that to keep this city clean, it is the duty of every citizen to keep his surroundings clean and if anyone tries to spread dirt, then a complaint can be lodged against him by taking a photo and sending it to Municipal Corporation Hoshiarpur’s WhatsApp number 94634-97791. This will enable action against the persons spreading dirt in the city. She said that the identity of the person making the complaint will not be shared with anyone.

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