My priority list always have

Hoshiarpur : Daljeet Ajnoha : Oct.19 – I always make it a point to be in constant touch with my people and being available to them to listen to their problems and solve their issues.
Staying in touch with my constituents and addressing their concerns motivates me to actively engage in my constituency, in addition to attending to people at party office Chabbewal, stated Dr. Raj. He was attending to the people who came to meet him looking for solutions to their issues. Many newly elected panchayat members also kept pouring in to exchange pleasantries with their MP Dr. Raj Kumar chabbewal and Dr. Ishank Kumar to seek their best wishes. Dr. Raj also encouraged his supporters to gear up for the upcoming by-polls in the Chabbewal constituency, highlighting the need for collective effort in support of party candidate.

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