Nature Retreat Chohal: Punjab’s


“In a conversation with Senior journalist Daljeet Ajnoha, Conservator Dr. Sanjeev Tiwari IFS shared that Punjab”s best kept secret having a highly biodiverse region which is a treasure trove of unrivalled beauty overlooking Chohal Forest and its lake, the punjab forest department has setup a Nature Awareness Camp Project at Chohal Village named as Nature Retreat Chohal. It is a unique concept which traverses through the accommodation in the lake facing wooden tents overlooking Chohal reservoir which offered a picturesque for the nature lovers, , Jungle safari through the rough terrain of the forests as well as the Off-Roading  experience.

The main focus is to economically and benefit the local communities as well as to provide employment opportunities to them through joint forest management principles.
There are three lake facing wooden tents on the raised platform which offers breath taking view for the visitors. It has a fully wooden dining tent hall to relish the local cuisine. The visitors experience the local culture and don’t take precious energy and water away from the local population. They travel on foot, bicycle,camel and do not leave ecological footprint behind them.The camp offers Open Jeep Jungle Safari to Takhni wildlife sanctuary, which is around 15 km, traverses through various others diverse forest ecosystem.

This route is a treat for the Off-Roaders .The visitors have a special experience that they will remember all of their lives.
Today, these initiatives brace a new wave of nature awareness and responsible tourism in Hoshiarpur. It is indeed a brilliant story of ecological and enchanting planning, design and implementation that served to champion the cause of conserving its natural ecosystem. So far it has achieved significant and positive impacts on the public’s awareness and created a highly productive environment for responsible tourism.


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