New Executive Committee Formed by


Hoshiarpur/Daljeet Ajnoha/March 3 : A significant meeting of the Blood Donors and Welfare Society Dasuya (Regd.) was held at Vijay Market, Dasuya under the guidance of the society’s founder Manish Kalia and chaired by Gurpreet Singh Billa Arora.

During the meeting, the society unanimously decided to elect a new president in place of former president Baljinder Singh Lalia, who has moved abroad. Parminder Singh Bablu was unanimously appointed as the new president of the society. New Executive Committee, Chief Advisors: Mukesh Ranjan, Vijay Kumar Sharma, Vice President: Manish Chaudhary, Chairman: Gurpreet Singh Billa Arora, Vice Chairman: Saurav Phull, Cashier: Kanav Ralhan, Secretary: Rahul Kumar, Assistant Secretaries: Amarjit Singh, Harish Gupta, Press Secretaries: Tajinder Singh, Navdeep Kumar Gautam,Camp Incharges: Laddi, Himanshu,Diet Incharges: Yavneesh Malhotra, Kartik Kalia
P.R.O.Abhishek Monu, Media Advisor Sunny Arora,NRI Members: Sunny Ninja, Roni, Pushpinder Singh, Avinash Rishi, Baljinder Lalia, Vikas Mahajan,Advisors Bajinder Kumar Bindar, Jaspal Masiti. Executive Members: Ravi Multani, Aman Bulbul, Dr. Billa Nagra, Hardeep Singh Ramgarhia, Jasvir Singh Dadyali, Abhishek Sharma. The newly elected team assured that they would work with full dedication and sincerity to achieve the society’s objectives and mission. Newly appointed president Parminder Singh Bablu pledged to promote blood donation awareness, assist the needy, and intensify welfare activities in the community.

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