*Organized an awareness programme on


Hoshiarpur/Daljeet Ajnoha/Jan.12 :
Vardhman Yarns & Threads Ltd, Hoshiarpur in association with Dist, Police Official’s, Hoshiarpur has organized an awareness programme on Cybercrimes & Road Safety for their employees at their factory Premises.
The main Objective was to impart knowledge to the Employees about the various issues related to cybercrime & hacking and to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information and systems.
The another grey area is Road safety & which can be improved by providing road safety information for road users to encourage safer road user behaviour among current and prospective road users and reduce the number of people killed and injured on our roads every year.
The awareness session on Cyber crime was taken by Sh. Subhash Bhagat, Sub-Inspector along with his team. On this occasion Vardhman Official’s along with their staff were present.
Mr. Subhash shared a valuable information about cybercrime and inform that cybercrime is an criminal activity in which a computer is used as a source, tool and target. He discussed different theories and informed different type of cybercrimes like hacking, denial of services, virus dissemination, piracy, spoofing, defamation etc. He shared lot of cases received by the police by operating websites to hack user data. Similarly bank or credit card frauds are being done by skimmers to dupe people and transfer their money into their criminal account. Dissemination of obscene material like child pornography, defamation through hacking, and using technology to threaten or harass individuals.
He further shared that why India is vulnerable to cybercrimes is due to significant digital transformation in recent years, with a growing number of individuals and businesses relying on the Internet and digital technologies, Large Internet User base and due to Inadequate Cybersecurity Infrastructure. He further told various strategies to stop cybercrime by educating the general public, businesses, and organizations about cybersecurity threats and best practices and by Conducting awareness campaigns, workshops, and training sessions to promote safe internet.
Similarly, Road safety is a critical concern in India, a country with one of the highest rates of road accidents in the world. Recognising the need to address this issue, He said The primary objectives is to reduce road traffic accidents, minimise fatalities and injuries, and enhance road infrastructure. Available statistics about road safety in India indicates that more than a lakh people die in road accidents every year. Pedestrians, cyclists, and riders of motorized 2- and 3-wheelers and their passengers are collectively known as “vulnerable road users” and account for half of all road traffic deaths around the world.
Another lady police official gave general tips like always drive at safe speed, Wear a helmet (of ISI standard) which is strapped on while riding a two-wheeler. Wear seat belt (both driver and passenger) to avoid injury. Do not make children sit in front seats. Do not drive under the influence of alcohol. Drinking and driving increase the risk of an accident dramatically and the usage of vehicles by the underage children’s which are a critical cause of accidents and is a crime wherein FIR can be done against their parents.
At last, the interaction round was conducted where Vardhman employees has asked their queries. Police officials further shared helpline numbers to all for their safety and security concerns. The Session was ended with a Thank you note by Vardhman officials Mr. Rishi Sharma and Mr. Pardeep Dadwal.


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