Rayat-Bahra Engineering Students Gain Industry

Hoshiarpur : Daljeet Ajnoha/November 07 :  The Department of Computer Science and Engineering and Information Technology of Rayat-Bahra Institute of Engineering and Nano Technology, Hoshiarpur organized an industrial visit to Meander Software Private Limited in Punjab. The aim of this visit was to reduce the gap between the theoretical knowledge of the students and its applications in the real world. The visit was conducted under the leadership of Department Head Prof. Simarpreet Singh and Placement Officer Manmeet Bains.
Under the guidance of Principal Dr. Gurjeet Singh and Director Dr. Jarnail Singh, the fifth semester CSE students took advantage of this industrial visit.
During this, the students interacted with industry professionals, learned about software development methods and gained in-depth knowledge of the daily operations of the software company.
On this occasion, Placement Officer Manmeet Bains said that this industrial visit provided the students an opportunity to experience the latest industry trends and technologies first-hand. He said that this experience will prove to be helpful in enhancing the skills of the students and will prepare them for future challenges in the field of Computer Science and Information Technology.
On this occasion, Engineer Chetna Saini and Engineer Ankush Hans made the tour with the students successful and informative.

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