Rayat Bahra Paramedical Students Bring


Hoshiarpur/Daljeet Ajnoha/August 9
Students from the Paramedical Department of Rayat Bahra Management College visited the old age home in Ram Colony, bringing joy and a sense of special care to the lives of elderly and infirm residents. The initiative aimed to create a supportive environment and provide moments of companionship and comfort to the residents.

The event was organized under the guidance of Dr. Harinder Gill, Principal of Rayat Bahra Management College, and Dr. Sukhmeet Kaur Bedi, Head of the Paramedical Sciences Department.

Dr. Sukhmeet Bedi explained that during the visit, students learned about the services available at the old age home, including accommodation, food, and general health check-ups. She noted, “The elderly do not desire material things; rather, they value the time spent with their loved ones more.”

The students had the opportunity to understand the physical, psychological, and financial challenges faced by the elderly through direct interaction. They also educated the residents on the importance of physical fitness and a healthy lifestyle, distributed fruits, and organized recreational activities. These efforts brought joy to the elderly and helped them momentarily forget the absence of their loved ones.

Assistant Professor Pooja Samyal also joined the visit. The residents expressed their heartfelt appreciation, stating that the visit rejuvenated their spirits and filled their hearts with happiness and contentment.


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