Repair of Kandi Canal damaged


Hoshiarpur/Daljeet Ajnoha/August 25 Kandi Canal SE informed that on August 11, due to heavy rains in Jaijon area of ​​Himachal Pradesh, the banks of Kandi Canal passing through Neem Pahari villages were damaged due to the entry of sheet flow in the canal and the canal was filled with silt. Similarly, under Kandi Canal Stage-2, the canal broke at three places in villages Rampur, Khanpur and Shahpur and cracks appeared at some places.

Kandi Canal SE informed that immediately after this, the Canal Department took action and deployed manpower and machinery to remove silt from the canal, fill the cracks and restore the inspection path/banks of the canal. Now this work has been completed and currently water is being released in the canal. He informed that the Canal Department completed this work on priority basis, so that farmers and local residents do not face any kind of inconvenience.


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