Synergy-2024 Celebrated with Enthusiasm at

Hoshiarpur/Daljeet Ajnoha /Nov.29 : The vibrant Synergy-2024 event organized by the Admission and Marketing Department at Rayat Bahra Education City witnessed enthusiastic participation from students across government and private schools in the district. The event featured a rich cultural program with performances including gidda, bhangra, songs, mono acting, .
The highlight of the event was the presence of renowned Punjabi film actor Karamjit Anmol, who entertained the audience with his melodious songs and motivational speech. Hoshiarpur Deputy Commissioner Komal Mittal also graced the occasion as a special guest, making the event even more remarkable.
Campus Director Dr. Chander Mohan emphasized the commitment of the Rayat Bahra Group to providing a platform for students to showcase their talents. Welcoming the special guests, he acknowledged their inspirational presence.
In his address, Karamjit Anmol encouraged students to steer clear of addictions, emphasizing hard work and dedication as key to success. He motivated the youth to focus on positivity and contribute to the nation’s progress. His musical performance had the audience dancing with joy.
The event also included various competitions such as poster making, slogan writing, mono acting, poetry, weightlifting, and yoga, where students showcased exceptional creativity and skill. Winners of the competitions were recognized and awarded at the conclusion of the program.
Dr. Kuldeep Walia skillfully conducted the program, while Campus Director extended his gratitude to all participants and attendees. The event was supported by a distinguished team, including Dr. Harinder Gill, Dr. Meenakshi, Dr. RN Singh, Dr Pallavi Pandit, Dr Maninder Singh, Dr Gurjeet Singh, Dr Hardeep Singh, Dr Jyotsna, Dr Sukhmeet Bedi, Dr Gaurav Parashar, Principal Prem Lata, Harinder Jaswal, Gurpreet Bedi, Kuldeep Rana along with the entire campus staff were present.

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