Those who have not received



Hoshiarpur/23 Dec./Daljeet Ajnoha :
Deputy Commissioner Komal Mittal informed that in the state of Punjab, real license related services are being provided from service centers through e-service portal. According to the instructions issued by Punjab State e-Governance Society, Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances Department, Government of Punjab, those real holders who have not received any service in the e-service portal related to their real license after September 2019, will not be given any service in the e-service portal related to real license after 31 December 2024.

The Deputy Commissioner has directed all the arms holders of the district that those arms licensees who have not availed any service after September 2019 in the e-service portal running in the service center, should immediately submit the necessary documents at the nearest service center to renew their arms license or apply for any other arms license related service before 31 December 2024.

According to the records related to this, the list of 1344 arms holders (who did not receive any arms license related service in the e-service portal after September 2019) has been uploaded on the website of District Administration, Hoshiarpur Apart from this list, if any other arms holder of Hoshiarpur district has not availed any service in the e-service portal after September 2019, then it is mandatory for them also to apply for the service before 31 December 2024.


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