Seminar on “New Education Policy ”

Hoshiarpur/Daljeet Ajnoha/Jan.7 :  A seminar on “New Education Policy – 2020” was organized at Rayat Bahra Education City, with participation from directors, principals, department heads, and faculty members of various colleges.
During the seminar, Prof. Desraj Sharma highlighted the key points of the New Education Policy, discussing its objectives and benefits in detail. He explained the changes introduced in the education system and the new opportunities available for students under this policy.
Former MP Avinash Rai Khanna also addressed the gathering, describing the New Education Policy as a progressive step for the nation’s youth. He emphasized the importance of its effective implementation.
Campus Director Dr. Chander Mohan welcomed the guests and stated that the primary aim of the program was to familiarize principals and faculty members with the significance and practical applications of the New Education Policy.

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