*First Aid & CPR Awareness Workshop

Hoshiarpur/Daljeet Ajnoha/Feb.11 :  As part of the ongoing *training workshop for Punjab Home Guards (PHG) at Police Lines Ground, Hoshiarpur, a seminar-cum-workshop on “First Aid in Common Emergencies, CPR, and Other Health Concerns”* was conducted for around *90 Punjab Home Guards personnel* of the district unit.
The session was led by *Dr. Aasheesh Mehan, Medical Officer, Distt. Police Hoshiarpur, along with his team* The workshop covered *life-saving first aid techniques, CPR, handling road accidents, riot-duty injuries, animal bites, fractures, trauma management, and other common health emergencies.*
The Medical Officer and his team provided *practical demonstrations* to equip the personnel with essential medical knowledge, ensuring they are better prepared to handle emergencies during duty. The initiative emphasized the *critical role of first responders* and the importance of *quick and effective medical interventions.*
This session was a crucial step toward enhancing the *preparedness and efficiency* of Punjab Home Guards in safeguarding lives and maintaining public safety.

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