Dr. Daljit Ajnoha Honoured by


Hoshiarpur /2March /Buearu :  Eminent  personality Dr. Daljit Ajnoha was honoured in a special ceremony organized by the Batra Family. The event was a heartfelt occasion where Dr. Ajnoha was felicitated for his remarkable contributions to society.

The Batra family, including Harpreet Singh Batra, his mother Kulwant Kaur Batra, wife Satwinder Kaur Batra, daughter Siftpreet Kaur Batra, and son Harmanpreet Singh Batra, expressed their deep admiration and respect for Dr. Ajnoha’s dedication and efforts. They extended their warm wishes and appreciation for his relentless service in various fields.

During the event, the Batra family commended Dr. Ajnoha for his commitment to humanitarian and social causes. The gathering also witnessed an exchange of thoughts on community service, unity, and future endeavors for the betterment of society.

Dr. Daljit Ajnoha expressed his gratitude to the Batra family for the honour and acknowledged their kind gesture. He emphasized the importance of collective efforts in making a difference in society and encouraged everyone to continue working towards positive change.

The event concluded with a warm and celebratory atmosphere, reflecting the strong bond of respect and appreciation shared between Dr. Ajnoha and the Batra family.


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