ADGP Shri Naresh Arora, ADGP

Hoshiarpur /March 24/Daljeet Ajnoha : Today, ADGP Shri Naresh Arora, ADGP Human Rights, visited Hoshiarpur to supervise and review the progress of the Government of Punjab’s flagship campaign, Yudh Nashiyan Virudh.
As part of the visit, he participated in a Sampark Meeting, a large-scale community outreach program, where more than 900 people from all seven subdivisions of Hoshiarpur district took part. Senior officers including Deputy Commissioner Hoshiarpur, SSP Hoshiarpur, SDMs, BDPOs, and other officers were present, reflecting the district administration’s strong commitment to the anti-drug movement.
Later, under Mission Operation Seal X, which focuses on sealing inter-state and inter-district Naka and ensuring intensive checking, ADGP Naresh Arora visited the Manguwal Naka located at the Punjab-Himachal border, where security arrangements and vigilance were thoroughly checked and ensured.
Following that, he held a crime review meeting with all officers and SHOs, assessing the ongoing efforts under the NDPS front.
Key progress so far this year includes:
• 166 FIRs registered under the NDPS Act
• 253 accused persons arrested
• Freezing of properties worth over ₹25 crore under Section 68F of the NDPS Act
• 27 drug addicts sent to de-addiction and rehabilitation centers under Section 64A of the NDPS Act through proper court orders

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