An awareness workshop on drug

Hoshiarpur/Daljeet Ajnoha/Dec.18 :  As per the instructions of Smt. Komal Mittal, IAS, Hon’ble Deputy Commissioner, Hoshiarpur, under the leadership of Dr. Harbans Kaur, Deputy Medical Commissioner, Hoshiarpur, with the efforts of Rajesh Kumar Mahajan, IFS Divisional Forest Officer, Hoshiarpur, an Awareness Workshop on Drug Abuse and Its Treatment was organized at Punjab Forest Guard Training School, Hoshiarpur under the Department of Forest and Wildlife Preservation , Punjab in the presence of S. Gurdeep Singh, Forest Range Officer, Hoshiarpur, and Dr. Mahima Minhas, Medical Officer, District Drug De-addiction and Rehabilitation Centre, Hoshiarpur
On this occasion Counsellor Nisha Rani, Manager, District Drug De-addiction Rehabilitation Centre, Hoshiarpur said that according to World Health Organization, Drug Abuse is a mental illness, which is treated free of cost in government health institutions. He gave detailed information about the causes, symptoms and diseases caused by Drug Abuse.
On this occasion, Prashant Aadiya, Counsellor, District Drug De-addiction Rehabilitation Centre, Hoshiarpur said that in Hoshiarpur District treatment of drug abuse is provided free of cost at the Drug De-addiction Centre, Civil Hospital, Hoshiarpur and Dasuya. Where first the patient is detoxified for 15-21 days. Then the patient is admitted to Government Rehabilitation Center, Mohalla Fatehgarh, Hoshiarpur for 90 days, where Personal Counseling, Group Counseling, Spiritual Counseling as well as Sports and Therapy are also provided. He said that along with the treatment of Drug Addiction, certified skill development courses are also conducted so that the patient can become self-reliant .
On this occasion, Dr. Mahima Minhas, Medical Officer said that the treatment of Drug Addiction is provided free of cost by the Health and Family Welfare Department, Punjab, if any patient approaches for treatment, then the Drug De-Addiction Center is committed to provide full treatment to him. Speaking on the occasion, Dr. Harbans Kaur, Deputy Medical Commissioner, Hoshiarpur said that with the efforts of the Health Department, Punjab and Smt. Komal Mittal, IAS, Deputy Commissioner, Hoshiarpur, vocational courses are also conducted at the center to help the patients become self reliant, which will prove to be a good platform for the rehabilitation of the patients. All the forest guards and staff were present on the occasion.

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