“Dr. Himanshu Aggarwal, IAS, Inspires

Apeejay Institute of Management & Engineering Jalandhar and NGO A4C Dasuya Organize Seminar on ‘Empowering Young Leaders for Sustainable Development’
Jalandhar/Daljeet Ajnoha /Feb.18 A thought-provoking seminar on ‘Empowering Young Leaders for Sustainable Development’ was successfully organized by Apeejay Institute of Management and Engineering, Jalandhar, in association with NGO A4C Dasuya. The event brought together esteemed dignitaries, academicians, and social leaders to inspire and guide the youth toward sustainable growth and leadership.
The seminar was graced by Dr. Himanshu Aggarwal, IAS, Deputy Commissioner, Jalandhar, as the Chief Guest. Other notable speakers included Nikas Kumar, IAS, Additional Deputy Commissioner, Hoshiarpur, Dr. Kamaljeet Singh, Founder & Chairman of Green Planet, and Mukul Verma, Executive Director, Savi International.
The event commenced with a candle-lighting ceremony, symbolizing enlightenment and knowledge. Dr. Rajesh Bagga, Director of Apeejay Institute of Management and Engineering, Jalandhar, warmly welcomed the guests, while Sanjiv Kumar, President of NGO A4C Dasuya, introduced the esteemed dignitaries and initiated discussions on the seminar’s theme.
The speakers shared their insights on the role of young leaders in sustainable development, emphasizing the importance of education, environmental consciousness, and responsible leadership in shaping a better future. The interactive session allowed students and participants to engage with the experts and gain valuable perspectives on sustainable initiatives.
As a mark of appreciation, all dignitaries were honored jointly by Apeejay Institute of Management and Engineering Jalandhar and NGO A4C Dasuya for their contributions and thought leadership.
The seminar concluded with a strong message of collective responsibility toward sustainable development, leaving the audience inspired to take proactive steps for a better tomorrow.

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