First National Lok Adalat of


Hoshiarpur/Daljeet Ajnoha/March 2 :  On the directions of Member Secretary Punjab State Legal Services Authority, SAS Nagar, Mohali, the first National Lok Adalat of the year 2025 is being organized on March 8, 2025 at district level and sub division level. In this National Lok Adalat, civil cases, rent cases, MACT, criminal negotiable cases, revenue cases, traffic challans, 138 Negotiable Instruments Act, family cases, labor cases, bank cases, telecom companies cases, revenue cases and other cases related to settlement and peddling and pre-litigation will be heard. This Lok Adalat is being organized under the leadership of District and Sessions Judge-cum-Chairman District Legal Services Authority Dilbag Singh Johal. Secretary District Legal Services Authority Raj Pal Rawal has appealed to the people to file cases in Lok Adalats as much as possible, this saves time and money and the decisions of these Lok Adalats are recognized as civil decisions and people should take maximum benefit by getting their cases resolved through this National Lok Adalat.

For information about traffic challans to be paid in those courts, it is advised that the person whose traffic challan is pending in the court and who has to appear in the National Lok Adalat on March 8, should go to the website and fill the name of his state and district, after which the name of the party and challan number will be written, which will give you information about the court in which the traffic challan is pending.

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