Free classes of Logical Reasoning

 Digital Library is an effective learning center for competitive exam preparation
Hoshiarpur/Daljeet Ajnoha/Jan.2 :  Deputy Commissioner Komal Mittal today announced during a visit to Digital Library Hoshiarpur that classes of Logical Reasoning and Mental Ability will be started in the library soon. These classes will be very useful for national and state level competitive exams. He said that this course will be completely free for the students who are members of the Digital Library.
The Deputy Commissioner encouraged the students to become members of the Digital Library so that more and more youth can take advantage of this facility. She said that these classes will be held three days a week, and their timing will be decided keeping in mind the convenience of the students.
Describing the Digital Library as an ideal center for preparing for competitive exams, the Deputy Commissioner said that high-speed computers, Wi-Fi, and a calm and conducive environment for studying are available here. Apart from this, various magazines and other study materials have also been made available here.
The Deputy Commissioner said that the digital library is working as an effective learning center to shape the future of the youth. Special sessions are also organized here from time to time to guide the students. She appealed to the students to take maximum advantage of this golden opportunity.
SDM Tanda Pankaj Kumar, Secretary Red Cross Society Mangesh Sood and Librarian Vijay Kumar, Kavya Bansal were also present on this occasion.

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