Identifies any disease by looking


*After examining the disease, treats with homeopathy method/Doctor Vishal Sharma
*Patients who were refused treatment from major hospitals are cured here /Doctor Vishal Sharma
* Hoshiarpur/Daljeet Ajnoha/20 Dec. – During a special conversation with senior journalist Daljeet Ajnoha, Dr. Vishal Sharma, a specialist of Homeopathy Hospital located on Jalandhar Road, Hoshiarpur, told that whatever patients come to him for treatment, he identifies their disease by looking at the pulse of the patient and treats according to the symptoms of the disease which match the tests done by him. He told that of course treatment with homeopathy method takes a little more time but there is no side effect of homeopathy medicine and before starting his medicine, he gets the necessary laboratory tests done according to the disease of the patient and after the treatment, when the patient gets cured, he gets the laboratory test done again. He told that cancer patients have also been cured in his hospital and it is important for them. At what stage is the disease and he told that if any poor patient comes to him for treatment, then his treatment is done for free, only the money for medicines is taken. He told that it is God’s grace that since he has opened the hospital, any patient suffering from any disease and coming to him for treatment, he goes back completely cured, for which he thanks Lord Bhrigu ji very much. He told that he always tells the patients to take the medicine given by him in the prescribed quantity and on time, they will definitely get relief and also take full care of their food, there is no such disease which cannot be cured.


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