Kohinoor Folk Arts Club organised

Hoshiarpur/Daljeet Ajnoha/Dec 21/Surrey(Canada) :  This organisation, which has Punjab, Punjabi and Punjabiat in its soul, presented the main forms of Punjabi folk dances in a wonderful manner and made the audience dance to its art.  When boys and girls gave a ‘world class’ performance of Punjab’s folk dance Bhangra on the rhythm of folk songs played on dhol, these girls proved that girls are no less than boys in any field. Various teams of girls of Kohinoor Club (Pahar Diyan Raunka, Trijhan, Alar Mutiaran) presented ‘Adhunik Bhangra’ on selected popular songs in a wonderful manner.
In the programme named ‘Kohinoor’ Diyan Raniyan, mothers of children also performed Bhagda on Punjabi songs. Dozens of mothers showed through their art that if there is desire and hope in the heart, then age is no barrier. The glow on the faces and the beautiful style of dance was expressing the satisfaction of the soul of these mothers/sisters, which is still present today. It has no price in the whole world.
The natives here were dancing while doing Jhumar like the cool winds blowing in the month of Sawan swing the trees. The young women of rising youth were dancing happily, creating a scene of grandeur. In the ‘Malwai Giddha’ program, ‘ presented the true spirit of Malviya Giddha by playing traditional folk instruments. Such an unmatched performance of ‘Malwai Giddha’ is rarely seen, the whole team played the role of ‘Mela Luttan’ in an excellent manner. The problems of the present time, the difficulties of migrant life, and the inspiration to live have been depicted very well. Dialects were the specialty of this folk variety.
The host of the program ‘Amardeep Dhesi’ conducted the stage smoothly. With appropriate Shayari, folk dialects and proverbs, he kept the flow of the program balanced.  The favourite musical instrument of Punjabis, Dhol, was played very beautifully by ‘Jikki Aulakh’. The sound of the Dhol showed that when Punjabis dance joyfully to the beats of the Dhol, they literally scatter ‘Amber di dhoor ‘ with the force of their thighs. Apart from being an expert Dhol player, Aulakh sahab is also the owner of a leading truck container company here.
‘Sam Sidhu’ captivates the audience by giving speeches along with the beats of the Dhol. On one hand, his voice is so formal that it can make ‘peacocks dance’, on the other hand, his songs have so much ‘passion, courage and boldness’ that they can breathe life into even ‘dead souls’. There is no doubt that Sam Sidhu is the ‘top singer’ of Punjabi dialects today. Any amount of praise for him would be less.
Gurjant Singh gave him a good support in singing.  Raju Bhaji played the traditional musical instrument ‘Tubi’. The combination of drums, folk songs and trumpet during the Bhagda was extraordinary.
‘Soni Hair’ played the turban, and the more beautiful the turban, the more beautiful the hair looks. Nature gives such a quality to a special person and Soni is showcasing this quality in a wonderful way.
During the program, great artist of Bhangra ‘Nitiraj’ and musician ‘Maghar Ali’ were felicitated for their invaluable services in the field of Bhangra.  Prominent personalities of Punjabi origin from business, social and political fields attended the program and congratulated the organizers for this excellent initiative.
In today’s materialistic era when the foundation of every relationship is based on money and selfishness, it was a proud achievement for ‘Kohinoor folk arts Kala Club’ to connect hundreds of children and youth with their heritage and culture free of cost on the land of Canada. The members of the club (who are highly successful persons in their respective fields) are taking out their valuable time to introduce children and youth to their folk dance, dialect, language, heritage and culture, which is a very noble effort.
The details of these talented members of the club, who are flag bearers of Punjab, Punjabi and Punjabiyat are as follows:- Jikki Aulakh, Raju Takhar, Amandeep Dhesi, Mandeep Gill, Sony Hair, Kulveer Singh Dancewal Jota Sandhu, Amrit Sangheda, Gary Sihra, Jagdeep Gill, Jatinder Thandi, Preet Bai, Khush Uppal, Jimmy Sharma, Happy Chahal, Vicky Pabiyal, Amrit, Inder, Gurjant Samra These true sons of Punjab are doing their duty towards our rich heritage and culture with full dedication by contributing with body, mind and money.
May God grant them more courage, boldness and success so that they continue to serve their heritage and culture with double the hard work and make our rich Punjabi heritage shine across the world.

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