Lamrin Tech Skills University Punjab:


Hoshiarpur/Daljeet Ajnoha/Dec.20 :  In a landmark achievement, the National Council for Vocational Education and Training (NCVET) has granted Awarding Body (Dual) status to Lamrin Tech Skills University (LTSU), Punjab. The agreement, marks a historic milestone as LTSU becomes the first university in the Punjab region to receive this prestigious recognition.
The agreement was formalized between Dr. Rajiv Mahajan, Registrar, LTSU Punjab and Col Santosh Kumar, Secretary to the Council cum Director NCVET in the presence of Sh. Atul Tiwari, Secretary, Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship, Govt of India and Dr. Sandeep Singh Kaura, Chancellor Lamrin Tech Skills University Punjab. Other dignitaries present included S. Satbir Singh Bajwa Joint Registrar, Er.Mandeep Atwal and officers from NCVET.
Through its new status as an Awarding Body, LTSU will be eligible to award, assess and certify the learners where training is directly being imparted by the awarding body in campuses or training centres owned or fully managed by it for its approved or adopted qualifications.
LTSU’s programs under this initiative aim to empower students to achieve success in a globalized world by maintaining the highest standards of excellence across a wide range of trades. Through its new status as an Awarding Body, LTSU will promote high-end, short-term courses tailored to industry demands and National Skills Qualification Framework (NSQF)-aligned certifications.
Dr. Sandeep Singh Kaura, Chancellor LTSU Punjab emphasized that qualification drafted or adopted by LTSU will help young workforce to get skilled training leading to decent employment in India and abroad. The focus will be to upskill youth of Punjab as per the requirement of the foreign countries so that they can full fill their dreams to work overseas through legal pathways and saving them from unscrupulous agents.
Sh. Atul Tiwari, Secretary Ministry of MSDE highlighted the importance oes this achievement and stated that this dual status of awarding and assessment body will undoubtedly elevate the standard of skilling.


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