Hoshiarpur/Daljeet Ajnoha/Jan.25 : Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Bahowal, Hoshiarpur under the aegis of Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana and ICAR-ATARI, Zone-I, Ludhiana conducted an in-service training on “Management of dairy animals during winter season and ethno-veterinary practices for treating animal diseases” on 23.1.2025 at its campus. In this training, 24 veterinary inspectors from the Department of Animal Husbandry, Hoshiarpur participated.
Dr. Parminder Singh, Associate Professor (Animal Science), KVK, Hoshiarpur welcomed the participants and enlightened them about the services rendered by KVK for the betterment of the farming community. He highlighted the refresher trainings being organized by KVK Hoshiarpur for upgrading the knowledge of field staff of different line departments of the district.
During this training, Dr. Parminder Singh gave detailed lectures on various aspects of dairy farming, including care & management of animals, clean milk production, care of new born calves and preparation of cattle feed and ethno-veterinary practices for treating animal diseases.
The participants had a fruitful discussion with the expert during the training and appreciated such trainings for refining their knowledge regarding improved technologies.