PAU-KVK Hoshiarpur conducted in-service training


Hoshiarpur/Daljeet Ajnoha/Dec17 :  PAU-KVK Bahowal Hoshiarpur organized an in-service training on “Nutritious recipes for pregnant/lactating women and young children” for Anganwadi workers on 16th December 2024 at its campus. This initiative aimed to enhance the participants’ knowledge of nutritious recipes and improve their ability to promote healthy eating among vulnerable groups.
During this training, Dr. Sukhdeep Kaur, Assistant Professor (Home Science) at KVK Hoshiarpur, conducted a practical and theoretical session on nutritious recipes tailored for pregnant women, lactating mothers, and young children. Recipes such as Ragi (Finger Millet ladoos), Makhana ladoos sweetened with organic jaggery; Foxtail millet (kangni) kheer; Vegetable poha; and a nutritious Multi-Millet Mix (snack) were demonstrated. She also emphasized the use of nutrient-rich ingredients, focusing on balanced nutrition for mothers and children during critical developmental stages.
The trainees enthusiastically participated in the hands-on demonstrations, gaining valuable practical experience in preparing these healthy recipes. The interactive session allowed the Anganwadi workers to improve their cooking skills and deepen their understanding of how to promote balanced nutrition in their communities. The training reinforced KVK Hoshiarpur’s dedication to promoting maternal and child health and empowering Anganwadi workers to drive positive nutritional outcomes in their communities.

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