Rayat Bahra College of Nursing


Hoshiarpur/Daljeet Ajnoha/Feb.27 :  The students of Rayat Bahra College of Nursing organized an awareness program on water and air pollution in village Mahna. On this occasion, B.Sc. Nursing 5th semester students educated the villagers about the harmful effects of water and air pollution through role plays and health talks. The students encouraged the villagers to adopt cleanliness practices, waste management, recycling, and pollution control measures. They also provided information on maintaining a clean environment and proper waste disposal methods.

College Principal Dr. Meenakshi Chand stated that Rayat Bahra College of Nursing has adopted village Mahna, under which this project is being implemented to promote health awareness and overall development. She emphasized that the main objective of this program is to measure pollution levels, identify its sources, and educate the community about its effects.

The village Sarpanch appreciated the efforts of the college faculty and students and praised their contribution. On this occasion, Prof. Rajinder Kaur and Prof. Harinder Kaur were also present.


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