Rayat Bahra Institute of Pharmacy

Hoshiarpur/Daljeet Ajnoha/Nov.9 :  An international webinar on the “Pre-Clinical Development of mRNA Lipid Nanoparticles (LNP) Therapy” was organized by Rayat Bahra Institute of Pharmacy, Hoshiarpur. The keynote speaker, Dr. Rajendra Khanal, a Post-Doctoral LNP Formulation Scientist at Merck, Germany, shared insights on the latest advancements and research in mRNA-LNP technology. The session was moderated by Dr. Amit Sharma, Head of Pharmacy, and Prof. Davinder Singh, with technical support provided by the pharmacy department.
Dr. Khanal discussed in detail the current challenges, pre-clinical research methods, and future prospects in the field. He highlighted the obstacles and emerging opportunities in LNP technology and encouraged young innovators at Rayat Bahra to enhance collaboration in this area. Dr. Amit Sharma elaborated on the optimization and manufacturing strategies of lipid nanoparticles, emphasizing the importance of selecting appropriate animal models and standardized protocols for pre-clinical testing.
The webinar was conducted under the leadership of Campus Director Dr. Chander Mohan, with support from Director Principal Dr. Maninder Pal Singh. The session emphasized the need for ongoing innovation in LNP technology and a collective commitment to translate pre-clinical success into clinical trials. Dr. Maninder Pal Singh announced plans for future workshops and collaborative sessions to explore mRNA-LNP technology further.
Over 250 representatives from various organizations participated in the event. At the conclusion of the webinar, Prof. Davinder Singh expressed gratitude to Dr. Khanal and all participants for their active involvement. Faculty members and students from Rayat Bahra Institute of Pharmacy also attended the event.

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