Rayat Bahra Paramedical Sciences Department

Hoshiarpur/Daljeet Ajnoha/Nov.18 :   Rayat Bahra Institute of Management’s Paramedical Sciences Department organised a special hands-on workshop on DNA isolation. The workshop was conducted by expert Dr Manjit Kaur from Rapture Biotech, Dehradun under the guidance of Principal Dr Harinder Singh Gill, Director of the department and Dr Sukhmeet Kaur Bedi, Head of the department.
During the workshop, while providing information about DNA and its importance, Dr Manjit Kaur discussed the biological importance of DNA and its use in various fields such as medicine, forensics, agriculture, and genetics. While demonstrating the isolation procedure, she gave a practical demonstration of the steps of DNA isolation such as cell lysis, protein extraction, and DNA precipitation.
Each participant got an opportunity to perform the DNA isolation procedure on their own with the sample. Apart from this, training was also given to check the quality of DNA using spectrophotometry and agarose gel electrophoresis for quality check.
Dr. Sukhmeet Kaur Bedi described this workshop as extremely beneficial and said that it provided the participants an opportunity to gain practical and in-depth knowledge on the basic techniques of DNA isolation. Prof. Saqib, Prof. Pooja, Prof. Aditi etc. were present on this occasion

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