Regional Rural Development Organization organized


Hoshiapur/Daljeet Ajnoha/Sept. 21 : Under the guidelines of Honorable Deputy Director Harmandeep Singh ji, under the able leadership of BDPU Dilpreet Singh, SIRD conducted a one-day training camp from September 17 to September 20 in Bhunga Block. – Trained employees.

Information about Mahila Sabha and Children’s Sabhas was given in this camp. Through the thematic GPDP, women-friendly and child-friendly villages can be built. So that our village can be developed with the concept of our plan, our development. And women can participate and be empowered in the development of the village. Information related to the safety of children and women was also given. This training camp was given by Resource Person Neha Sharma and Resource Person Tripta Devi appointed by SRID.
The main objective of this one-day camp is to inform village level officials to organize women and children’s meetings for village development, to prepare a better GDPP with the participation of women, so that the development of villages and world level 17 goals can be achieved. Based on 9 themes, two themes: women friendly and child friendly villages can be achieved by 2030.


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