SiRD Organizes Three-Day orientation training


Hoshiarpur/ Jan. 11/Daljeet Ajnoha : The State Institute of Rural Development (SiRD) conducted a three-day orientation training program at Hajipur Block, Hoshiarpur, to educate and empower newly elected Panchayat representatives. The program focused on enhancing their understanding of government schemes and initiatives aimed at rural development.

On this occasion, renowned educationist and journalist Sanjiv Kumar enlightened the participants, emphasizing the pivotal role of Panchayats in grassroots governance and community welfare. Resource persons Neha Sharma and Prabhjot Singh provided insightful sessions, sensitizing the Panchayat members about various government programs and schemes designed to uplift rural communities.

The program saw active participation and enthusiasm from the Panchayat representatives, who appreciated the initiative as an effective step towards strengthening their capacities and ensuring better implementation of welfare schemes at the village level.

Such programs underline the importance of empowering local governance bodies to create sustainable development and improve the quality of life in rural areas.


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