The central government does not

 Chandigarh/Hoshiarpur /Daljeet Ajnoha :  ‘The central government does not want good for the farmers of Punjab.’  These words were expressed by Cabinet Minister Barinder Kumar Goyal in Chandigarh.  He said that the central government has always been discriminating against the farmers of Punjab.  He said that farmers’ MSP  has not fulfilled the demand, rather the central government is deliberately not picking the crop at the specified time.  He said that Chief Minister Bhagwant Singh Mann himself met the Union Minister, but despite this, the Center did not vacate the warehouses of Punjab.
 The Cabinet Minister said that the Prime Minister of the country who is talking about Annadata is sitting silently.  He said that the public will now respond to this atrocity being done to the state of Punjab, which fills the country’s food reserves.  The intelligent people of Punjab know very well how the Center is conspiring to spoil their crops.
 He said that today the farmer of Punjab is sitting on dharna because of the joke of the central government.  He said that the central government has forgotten that during the food crisis that occurred after the independence of the country, the farmers of Punjab filled the stomach of the country.  He said that Punjab has been leading in everything.  He said that the central government should pay the rights of the farmers of Punjab.

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