The District Magistrate issued an

Hoshiarpur/ November 9/Nov.9 :  According to the order issued by District Magistrate-cum-Deputy Commissioner Komal Mittal in exercise of the powers conferred under Section 163 of the Indian Civil Protection Code, 2023, any noise pollution/noise making devices, music players and any Any form of noise pollution, noise, intimidation and any kind of crackers and fireworks will be strictly prohibited.
 This ban will not apply only to color-producing firecrackers and fireworks. Similarly, there will be a complete ban on playing any kind of pressure horn, with different music and any kind of sound pollution, noise, threat, excessive sound in vehicles etc. Only government-specified horns that are free from noise pollution can be played at the specified volume.
 Apart from this, playing loud and threatening music and obscene songs in any non-government buildings, commercial shops, public places, cinemas, malls, hotels, restaurants and fairs etc. is completely prohibited. Fireworks/firecrackers/loud speakers/pressure horns and noise generation within 100 meters of silence zone like ministry, forest, hospitals, educational institutions, courts, religious institutions or any area declared as silence zone by the competent authority. Operation/installation of such devices shall be strictly prohibited.

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