What is cyber crime and

Hoshiarpur/Daljeet Ajnoha/28 July :  During a special conversation with senior journalist Daljeet Ajnoha, DSP Jagir Singh, in-charge of Cyber ​​Crime Police Station of Hoshiarpur district, told what is cyber crime and how people can avoid it. He told that for some time now, cunning people are cheating innocent people by adopting different methods, in which first they take complete information from you by making fake mobile calls, then on the basis of that they make a story and ask for money and many people get trapped in their words and give money, later they come to know that they have been cheated and to execute such crimes, cunning thugs sometimes call from abroad by pretending to be relatives or police officers and give account numbers, also give Paytm and many times even threaten to be police of some other state of India and nowadays every person has got his complete information attached to the phone number which is beneficial for these cunning people, they withdraw money from the bank with it, while the account holder comes to know later. They steal the phone and execute such incidents. DSP Jagir Singh said that if anyone gets an unknown call, do not say OK from the front, say OK from the side. Many unknown women call at night and as soon as you okay your phone, your face appears. They have installed such a system in their mobile that as soon as the phone is switched on, your photo will appear, which those clever people will then make obscene photos or videos and send to you, and then demand money by threatening. He said that many people have even committed suicide in such cases, therefore, every person in the society should be alert to avoid cyber crime and if any such incident happens with anyone, he must inform his family members, close friends and the police so that cyber crime can be stopped from the society.

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