You can avail 43 types of

Service assistants posted in the district will provide government services at home :  DC
*A citizen can avail maximum four services at a time : karamjit Singh
Hoshiarpur/Daljeet Ajnoha/August 2  :
Deputy Commissioner Komal Mittal said that the state government led by Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Singh Mann is continuously working to provide government services to the people at their doorstep. She said that in this series, people will get 43 types of government services which are being provided in service centers, at their homes. She said that the service assistants posted by the service center will go to the citizen’s house and take their live photo and other documents, while the certificate will also be delivered at home after it is made.
The Deputy Commissioner said that so far 2450 people in the district have been given the benefit of doorstep delivery. She said that to get the services available at 43 types of service centers at home, the district residents can call on toll free number 1076. After calling on this, they can tell the government representative at what time he can come to their house and take their photos or other documents and give them the benefit of government service. Whatever certificate is made under the government service, the government representative will also give it to the person at his home.
Komal Mittal said that the doorstep services given to the citizens include 43 services including caste certificate, birth-death certificate, labor card, old age, widow, disabled and dependent pension, income certificate, residence certificate, marriage certificate. He said that this facility saves the time of common people as well as their travel to offices. She appealed to the district residents to take advantage of these services as much as possible.
District IT Manager of Administrative Reforms Department, Karamjit Singh said that this service was started in Hoshiarpur district from 11 December 2023. He appealed to the citizens to book an appointment on toll free number 1076 only after completing their files. He said that till now most of the services are related to issuing birth certificate, correction in birth certificate, caste, residence, old age pension, income and marriage certificate. He said that a citizen can avail maximum four services at a time.

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