550 complaints were resolved : Cabinet Minister

Hoshiarpur/Daljit Ajanoha :   Cabinet Minister Punjab Bram Shankar Jimpa held a public hearing in his office today and listened to the problems of the people. During this, he heard the problems of about 550 people and directed the officers of the concerned departments to resolve them. On this occasion, he said that the Punjab government under the leadership of Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann is committed to solving the problems of the citizens of the state, and every legitimate complaint will be resolved in a timely manner.
Cabinet Minister Jimpa listened carefully to the complaints of the people related to various departments in this public hearing held in his office. He instructed the concerned officers on the spot that the problems should be resolved as soon as possible according to the rules. The complaints received in the public hearing were mainly related to health, revenue, police, education, water supply and sanitation, social security, social justice and empowerment, food and supply, drainage, mining, agriculture, transport, cooperative, municipal corporation, dairy development, and electricity departments. Many cases were resolved on the spot.
Cabinet Minister Jimpa said that the Punjab Government is committed to the welfare of the people and every problem is being resolved on priority basis. He said that under the ‘Aap Di Sarkar, Aap De Dwar’ campaign led by our Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann, the district administration is going from village to village and resolving the problems of the people. The aim of this campaign is that the general public should not have to run around government offices to resolve their issues, rather the government itself should reach their doorsteps.
On this occasion, the Cabinet Minister directed the concerned officials to take the problems of the public seriously and ensure their resolution as soon as possible. He said that any kind of delay or negligence will not be tolerated. He also appealed to the public to bring any problem directly to the Janta Darbar so that it can be resolved quickly.
Varinder Sharma Bindu, Varinder Vaid and other dignitaries were also present on this occasion.

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