DC Komal Mittal orders fertilizer


Hoshiarpur/ Dec. 11/Daljeet Ajnoha : Deputy Commissioner Komal Mittal has strictly instructed all fertilizer dealers not to do any kind of tagging in the sale of subsidized fertilizer. This order has been issued to ensure correct and transparent supply of fertilizer to the farmers, so that there is no misunderstanding or fraud in the distribution of subsidized fertilizer.

The Deputy Commissioner said that subsidized fertilizer should be made available to the farmers in a correct and transparent manner and any kind of tagging or extra charge should be avoided. This step has been taken so that farmers can receive subsidized fertilizer on time and transparency is maintained.

The Deputy Commissioner has warned that no dealer will be allowed to do tagging or spread any kind of misunderstanding in the sale of subsidized fertilizer. Keeping in mind the correct distribution of fertilizer and the interest of the farmers, this message has been given to all fertilizer dealers.

The Deputy Commissioner has given strict instructions to all fertilizer dealers that if any kind of tagging is done with subsidized fertilizer by any dealer, then legal action will be taken against him. In this regard, the Deputy Commissioner informed that strict action will be taken against the violating dealers under the Fertilizer Control Order (FCO) 1985 and Essential Commodities Act (ECA) 1955.


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